English for Communication Mid-Term Test (UTS)

Name : Meisya Aulia Amanda
Class : 2A Publishing
NIM : 2270402035

Mid-Term Test : 

1. Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning 
2. How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example
3. How can PBLL Influence and improve your writing skill? Give example
4. How can PBLL. Influence and improve your listening skill? Give example
5. How can PBLL Influence and improve your speaking skill? Give example
6. Please give verbal verification about project you edit
7. Please explain about editorial judgment on the project you edit


1. Based on my understanding, Publipreneur  Based Language Learning (PBLL) is a learning method that uses project or activities as a medium. Learners conduct research, evaluation, interpretation, synthesis and information to produce various forms of learning outcomes.

2. Reading is one of subject that some of Indonesia student faced many difficulties to understand for some reasons. One of the ways to improve reading skills is through PBLL, which uses effective and creative methods, interesting materials and a fun learning process, and interaction. Example, there is an interaction between the reader and the text. This process involves critical thinking, problem solving, and infromation gained by the reader. From this process our reading skills can improve. 

3. Writing process is a complicated activity, not only needs language skill, but also creativity to arrange a set of words, sentences becomes readable and understandable text. PBLL can help improve writing skills, one of which is by making a mind map. We will be invited to think critically to take important points from the existing material to be poured into a mind map. In PBLL there is also often a new project and it requires a proposal, writing proposal is also one way to improve writing skills.

4. The importance of listening skilss in learning English requires the role of educators to be implement a fun, applicable and interactive learning process. Based on previous studies, the PBLL learning model is considered to be able to improve students’ listening skills. By making TOEFL test simulation and students are asked to listen to questions in the form of voice recordings and rewrite them. 

5. By giving material to students, then later students will be asked to make a summar of the material in their own words. Then after that, the students will re-present the material presented in his own words in front of the people. With the intention of being able to improve public speaking skills and also increase self-confidence. 

6. Editing of the manuscript will be carried out starting from the aspect of layout, punctuation errors, typing errors (typos) and inaccurate vocabulary. These edits will be made based on an agreement between the editor and the author.

7. The discussion in this book is interesting to read because it can add reader’s insight into the topics discussed.  For example in recognizing various kinds of brochures, the history of brochures and various other knowledge about brochures. This book is very useful, especially for people who work in brochure printing, so they can make good and attractie brochures. 


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