PPT English for Communication (Brochure Publishing)

Name : Meisya Aulia Amanda 
Class : 2A Publishing
NIM : 2270402035

PPT Before Editing
Brochure Publishing - Hellomark Publishing

Hellomark is a company engaged in the field of printing nd design. this company in known by many people. hellomark was founded on the love of the company’s founder, namely arxen as ceo, together with malio as director, founded printing industry which then collaborated with a design company which is now better known as hellomark. the company was founded on a land area of 1000 square meters in 2018. hellomark is located on jl. braga, kec. bandung, no. 111.

To become a trusted and reputable world-class national company

1. Provide quality products at competitive and rewarding prices
2. Committed to providing costomer satisfaction by maintaining quality, price, and turnaround time
3. Become a market leader in the design business and its supporters

1. Value Propotions : 
- Service.
- Quality.
- Time.
- Price.
- Corporate Image.
2. Key Partners : 
Polimedia Publishing.
3. Key Resources : 
- Printing Marchine.
- Offset Printing.
- Digital Printing.
- Prepare A Place.
- Prepare Computer.
- Make Design.
4. Costumers Segments : 
Students at polimedia jakarta.
5. Key Activities : 
- Preparing Printing Equipment, Designing Brochures, Printing Brocures.
- Preparing Printing Presses, Preparing Various Kind Of  Paper, And Others.
6. Revenue Streams : 
- Printing Revenue.
- Design Revenue.
7. Costumer Relationship : 
Social media and public.
8. Cost Structure : 
- Purchase of printing equipment.
- Payment of employes salaries.
- Payment of maintenance fees.
- Payment of machine maintenance.
- Purchase of paper, Ink, Computers, Printers.
9. Chanels :
We convey our offering or value prposition to audiences through channels.

1. Strengths : 
o Guaranteed product quality.
o Design that always follows the trend.
o Short production time.
2. Weakness :
o High price.
o Long delivery time.
3. Opportunity :
o New international market.
o Move into new market segments that offer increased profits
4. Threats
o Theft of design results
o Price competition
o Competitors have innovative new products or services

> List Of  Service 
1. Greet customers politely, kindly and patiently.
2. Respond swiftly to requests, questions, and complaints from customers.
3. Provide warranty claims or return of damaged goods and do not match the catalog.
4. Provide online messaging services.

> Working Time 
Initial design : 2 - 5 days
Revision : 1 - 2 days
Final design : 24 hours
Brochures printing : 24 hours
Estimated completion of the brochures is about a week, it can take longer, depending on the number of brochures you want to print and the level of difficulty.
Brochure Publishing - Sunrise Publishing

Sunrise publishing is a company engaged in printing and design. The company is well known to many people. Sunrise publishing was founded on the basic of love of the founder of the company and the director founded a printing industry which then coorperated with a design company which is now better  known as Sunrise Publishing. Sunrise Publishing is located at Jl. Pahlawan, No. 07, Bandung. 

Making this publishing company a creative, innovative and trusted printer of information. 

1. Always provide the best service to costumers.
2. Publish quality products that can satisfy costumers.
3. Always practice 5S, exceptionally. Smile, greet, be polite and courteous and build a good image of this company.

1) Service
2) Quality
3) Time
4) Price
5) Corporate image
1) Polimedia Publishing
1) Printing machine
2) Offset printing
3) Digital printing
4) Prepare place
5) Prepare computer
6) Make design
1) Students at Polimedia Jakarta
1) Printing revenue
2) Design revenue
1) Purchase of  printing equipment
2) Payment of employes salaries
3) Payment of maintenance fees
4) Payment of machine maintenance
5) Purchase of paper, INK, computeers, printers
1) Social media and public
1) Preparing printing equipment, Design Brochures, Printing Brochures.
2) Preparing printing process,Prepare various kind of paper, and other.
1) We convey our offering or value proposition  to audiences through channels.

- Strength
Our company has strengths in terms of cooperation and mutually beneficial performance.

- Weakness
Our company has weaknesses in facilities for work so that it takes more time to complete work

- Opportunities
Opportunities through social media such as helping the promotion process of buying and selling goods or services, as a medium for introducing company information so that it is more widely known.

- Threats
From the lack of our company, the threat is in terms of competition between other publishing companies.

We as a publisher who focuses on publishing brochures, work to publish brochures that are useful as cheap and efficient promotional and publication media. So that people can receive and digest the information provided with the right target.

Initial design : 1 – 2 days
Revision : 2 – 3 days
Final design : 2 – 3 days
Brochures printing : 3 – 5 days

Estimated completion of the brochure is a bout a week, it can take longer, depending on the number of brochures you want to print and the level of difficulty.




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